Sunday, June 04, 2006

CONTINUOUS CREATION - Logotherapy Mini-Course

In the beginning was -- hydrogen! Nothing else existed within the cosmos for countless eons after everything exploded with unthinkable energy during the first nanosecond of the Big Bang. In fact -- there was no Cosmos as we know it today. The universe was in chaos for an eternity and then, slowly but with irresistible force, gravity drew the swirling hydrogen clouds together into gigantic glowing globes that grew so dense and so violent that they cooked off as incredibly vast and powerful nuclear furnaces. Stars were born, lived for billions of our years, died and were then reborn in incalculable numbers. We have trouble wrapping our minds around that initial concept, for there are more stars in our Milky Way alone than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of Earth. And there are up to four hundred million galaxies across the void! Perhaps you are beginning to understand what we feel when we use the term mind-boggling, with our belief that this is the greatest story ever told, that the Seminal Spirit, the very author of existence, can be welcomed as a loving companion into our lives.

The starter stars in each island universe, such as Andromeda or our galaxy, the Milky Way, spewed off immense clouds of radioactive stardust that is still being transmuted through cosmic alchemy into the ninety five or so elements needed to form more sophisticated stars and their planets. God isn’t finished with the Cosmos and its inhabitants -- the divine processes of Continuous Creation continue apace. Much as uranium is changed into powerful plutonium within a nuclear reactor, so simple hydrogen atoms are transmuted into new elements within the blazing nuclear engines. Then, as radioactive stardust spewing away from each star it is transformed further into the matter needed to create and support life, God's incredible processes continue on this cosmic scale. Astronomers have recently taken photographs of new stars popping off like strings of firecrackers along unimaginably long columns of altered stardust. Every day -- yesterday and today and tomorrow, hundreds of millions of tons of this stardust drift down to earth, growing our planet about an inch in diameter every million years. This only seems slow to us because we do not see with God’s perspective. Roberta and Jard certainly cannot explain the existence of life and loving souls without accepting the existence of a Cosmic Creator with a finger in every pie across the entire Cosmos!

We don't believe for one moment that the appearance of living creatures across our earth and sea and sky is the result of blind chance. There is unimaginable intelligence, incredible wisdom and limitless power behind the arrival of we the sentient end products of that eerie looking, green-glowing stardust -- and that entity is the loving God who enters into a covenant relationship with every soul who connects contritely and commits his or her life to spiritual growth and generous service others.

According to Cosmic researchers, the Cosmos seems to function beyond normal scientific principles in a near metaphysical or spiritual manner. Nothing shows this better than research into the origins of the universe -- cosmology. God has always functioned on an eternal time scale and that in itself causes some of the conflicts between science and religion. Of course, we understand that many persons within different religions have clung to concepts that are obviously impossible myths used by our ancestors to explain events they couldn’t comprehend. We know why many reject science as important to their beliefs. The principles of matter and life are not simple and very few things are what they appear to be to our unaided senses. Also, our understanding of nature through science keeps changing.

To Isaac Newton, atoms behaved much as billiard balls that bounce off of each other. Well -- billiard balls still bounce, but now, after Niels Bohr’s quantum mechanics insights, matter is better seen as waves of energy, as sub-atomic particles behaving much like minute electronic solar systems whirling in constant motion. In short, most of the apparently solid desk on which we work, is space and energy as empty as the long parsecs between the great spiral galaxies. If Jard could align his molecules with the desk’s empty spaces, he could ease his fist right through the wood. In other words, the skeptic who says show me God and I’ll live a life of faith, is much like a physicist who clings to Newtonian concepts.

Jard perceives the emerging of countless island universes, each one probably teeming with life, as God's vast existential vision of what was and is and forevermore shall be.

Bohr saw existence much the same way in his brilliant research. He told Einstein:

"Albert, you must stop telling God what he’s thinking. And you must stop telling the people what you’re telling God. You’re scaring the hell out of them."

The Cosmos isn't some vast clockwork mechanism ticking ponderously along as Newton thought and most persons still assume.

Actually, energy, time, space and matter fuse in a virtually mystical manner which reveals their essential metaphysical nature of everything that exists and that is what Einstein was saying with E = mc2.

If you look far enough back in time through astronomy, you find yourself peering right into the face of God doing a hands-on operation of the first magnitude. When Jard was teaching leadership psychology in the Executive Development Program at the University of Arizona, he made a significant discovery. When he openly confessed his spiritual faith, it was as if he were giving other professors permission to discuss their own awe about life. Several joined him and he eventually discovered that the astronomers and cosmologists working at the Arizona’s Kitts Peak astronomical laboratory, outnumbered earthbound scholars by two to one in the faith communities of Tucson. Like Jard, they were filled with awe by the magnitude of the cosmos, and being intelligent men and women, connected the reality of existence with the Lord of the Cosmos. We realize that the processes of creation are incredibly complex but God puts no value on ignorance. God is indeed the Cosmic Creator -- but to ignore scientific scholarship in the name of faith, is to ignore God's own methods used in shaping and using matter and life to majestic purposes. God waves no magic wand but follows the processes that he/she authored in the beginning. Here now, are two incredible discoveries.

FIRST -- Despite sounding manifestly impossible, minute bubbles of matter, smaller than the period at the end of this sentence, contain enough hydrogen to form vast spiral galaxies, each one containing billions of stars, galaxies that expand exponentially for billions of years. These cosmic bubbles of inconceivable density flow out of God's heart and mind to form entire island universes in countless dimensions. They are not only isolated from each other in space but also within time. There is no way to get from one galaxy to another even if we could travel faster than light. Not without mastering some exotic principles of nature we haven’t even glimpsed yet.

SECOND -- If those minute galactic bubbles aren’t beyond comprehension, consider a vastly more complex processes. The poisonous radioactive elements and compounds spewed off by the stars, the few dollars in chemicals that form your body, were transmuted into thinking and loving persons who once brought to life, perpetuate their species. Roberta says that she has trouble understanding a flea, to say nothing of the way children are conceived, programmed genetically to mature and grow to adulthood with seldom a glitch. And she had three of them -- children, not fleas!

Have there been times in your life when you caught glimpses of God the Seminal Spirit as the ultimate personality?

Could the Cosmos have transcended its own laws in deriving living creatures from inorganic matter?

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