Sunday, October 05, 2008


Nice Guys Finish First, e-book, ebook, e book, self-improvement

Our lifestyle psychology course NICE GUYS FINISH FIRST shows you How To Get People To Do What You Want And Thank You For It.

The only way to make reluctant persons let you win every pot at cards, take home every attractive lover or get the lion’s share of the money, is by cheating, bullying or stealing everything you want. You shall have to outwit, outrun or out-bluff the people you want to take advantage of. The major trouble with that deceptive approach is society develops its own ways of dealing with people like that. Unless you get out of town ahead of the mob coming with tar and feathers, moving every few months to new hunting grounds, life can get very painful. Of course you could take up free lance bank robbing or selling dope down by the elementary school -- after your company fires you, your kids run away from home and your spouse files for divorce.


  • Identify the personality patterns that motivate yourself and other women and men.
  • Consistently get inside the thought processes of the people you want to influence.

  • Persuade other persons to tell you everything you want to know about anything.

  • Identify the step by step progression of a successful interpersonal relationship.

  • Master several powerful conflict avoidance and conflict control techniques.

  • Use a refusal to cooperate as a request for additional information.

  • Climb the cooperation ladder to consistent interpersonal success.

  • Finalize agreements so there are fewer brush fires for you to fight.


This course is about people and about succeeding or failing in life, since some degree of success and failure are the only real options that are open to us. It is written with the knowledge that neither power nor pleasure exists in a vacuum. Virtually everything good we do in life requires the cooperation of people in different ways. And every one of them has his or her own agenda that is personally important.

Therefore, you will have to overpower, out-skill, deceive, or persuade others before society will consistently allow you to share in the marbles, money, passionate lovers, prestige or promotions you want. Only in this way can you make your life count for something worthwhile.

Of course, few of the people who are succeeding are willing to share their hard-earned knowledge with you. Mentors are hard to find and they always want much in return for any help they offer.

The purpose of this course is to teach you how to predict the attitudes and activities of the men and women you must influence every day in order to keep your life successful. It also shows you how to influence their choices in ways they approve by using sound methods of personal effectiveness. You can do these things by learning and using powerful techniques developed by some very good psychiatrists and psychologists. These methods are unknown to most people, although professional therapists, consultants and social workers have been using them for decades with much success.

Most people struggle through life the best way they can, succeeding once in a while, but more often failing because they never learned how to consistently make good things happen when and where they are needed. They simply blunder along -- accepting whatever the luck of the draw offers them daily, never really taking charge of their relationships in a mutually rewarding manner that keeps people cooperating with them.

Many persons try to succeed by using the values, attitudes, expectations, and skills they chanced on in childhood. Unfortunately, in this age of relentless change, when power and authority are shared by more and more people, to depend on what you picked up as a youngster is a poor way to shape your life into a successful affair. In our conventional behavioral patterns many mistakes have been handed down from generation to generation. At home you were probably socialized not to ask embarrassing questions of your elders. At school you were expected to memorize the correct answers. And if you are like most people, you are still waiting for someone to ask the right questions so you can show what a good student you were. Unfortunately for your welfare, no one is ever going to ask them, since most of the answers you learned in school are no longer appropriate. Yet -- millions of men and women who would never imagine crossing the country by covered wagon instead of jet aircraft, who would never take some medicine man's snake-oil cure, try to succeed in life by using methods that were outdated a century ago. And then can’t understand why they aren't among the successful achievers.

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  1. Anonymous4:10 PM


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